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کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Remember Miranda

کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - Remember Miranda

Cathy Wilson is driving to Norfolk, to begin her new job with the Harvey family. She is going to look after the two young children, Tim and Susan. Cathy meets the children's father, and their grandmother, and their aunt. She meets Nick, the farmer who lives across the fields. But she doesn't meet Miranda, the children's mother, because Miranda is dead.

She died two years ago, and Cathy cannot learn anything about her. Everybody remembers Miranda, but nobody wants to talk about her . . .

قیمت: 5,000 تومان

کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Christmas in Prague

کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - Christmas in Prague

In a house in Oxford three people are having breakfast - Carol, her husband Jan, and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because Carol wants them all to go there for Christmas.

Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would like to see Prague again before he dies. But he is afraid. He still remembers another Christmas in Prague, many long years ago - a Christmas that changed his life for ever . . .

قیمت: 35,000 تومان

کتاب داستان Newspaper Chase - Penguin - Easystarters

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح آغازین (Easystarter) Newspaper Chase به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان:

Harry Black is a thief. He takes a famous painting and puts it in an old newspaper. But then the recycling truck arrives - and where is Harry's newspaper?

کتاب داستان Nelson Mandela- Penguin - Level 2

Penguin Active Reading 2:Nelson Mandela +CD

کتاب داستان Mysteries of the Unexplained- Penguin - Level 3

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح سه (Level 3) Mystories of the Unexplained به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان: 

Is there intelligent life in other worlds? What special powers do our minds have? How can people suddenly disappear? Are there really monsters and ghosts? Read about some of the world's most frightening and exciting mysteries - mysteries that science cannot explain!

کتاب داستان Logan's Run- Penguin - Level 3

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح سه (Level 3) Logan's Run به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان: 

Logan has to die. That is the law in this world of the future. Young people enjoy themselves in ways that will shock some readers now. But at the age of 21 their lives must end. Logan has always policed this law-but is there any other way?

کتاب داستان Leonardo da Vinci - Penguin - Level 4

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح چهار (Level 4) Leonardo da Davnci به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان: 

Leonardo da Vinci is known world-wide as the painter of the Mona Lisa, for designs for flying machines and for his studies of the human body. He brought his scientific and artistic abilities together so successfully that he is as famous now, five hundred years after his death, as in his lifetime.

کتاب داستان How Green Was My Valley - Penguin - Level 4

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح چهار (Level 4) How Green Was My Valley به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان: 

Leaving his home in a Welsh mining village for the last time, Huw Morgan remembers his childhood. The valley was green then, unspoilt by waste from the mine. The happiness of his family and friends had not yet been destroyed by cruel gossip and terrible pain. Since then, so much has changed.

کتاب داستان Good day, Bad Day - Penguin - Easystarters

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح آغازین (Easystarter) به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان:

Kerry is visiting her brother. Mike. for the first time in his new home. She sees a sign for a fortune teller. Mike doesn't believe in fortune tellers. but he goes. too.
What does Rosie say to him? And is she right?

کتاب داستان Golden Seal - Penguin - Level 1

کتاب داستان پنگوئن سطح یک (Level 1) Golden Seal به همراه CD-ROM (حاوی فایل صوتی و نرم افزار تعاملی تمارین داستان)

خلاصه داستان:

One night. away from his family, Eric finds a golden seal. A lot of men want to shoot golden seals for their beautiful fur. Eric's father is one of those men. And then Howard Crawford arrives in a boat. What does he want? Eric loves the seal. He wants her to live. But what can he do?