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سطح 1
در این دسته کتاب های داستان های سطح 1 از زبان انگلیسی قرار گرفته اند.
سطح 1
کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Sherlock Homes and the Dukes Son
کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - Sherlock Homes and the Duke's Son
Dr Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and Dr Huxtable is happy to have his son in the school.
But two weeks later Dr Huxtable is the unhappiest man in England. Why? And why does he take the train down to London and go to Baker Street? Why does he need the help of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes?
Because someone has kidnapped the Duke's son . . .
کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: The Monkeys Paw
کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - The Monekey's Paw
Outside, the night is cold and wet. Inside, the White family sits and waits. Where is their visitor?
There is a knock at the door. A man is standing outside in the dark. Their visitor has arrived.
The visitor waits. He has been in India for many years. What has he got? He has brought the hand of a small, dead animal - a monkey's paw.
Outside, in the dark, the visitor smiles and waits for the door to open.
کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
یکی از بهترین راه های افزایش سطح زبان انگلیسی خواندن داستان است. اما با توجه به سطح زبان بسیاری از زبان آموزان نمیتوان از هر داستان زبان انگلیسی استفاده کرد زیرا بسیاری از این داستان ها با سطح زبانی ما مرتبط نیستند. مجموعه کتاب های Oxford Bookworms این مشکل را به خوبی حل کرده است. حال شما می توانید بر اساس سطح زبان خود داستان های جذاب را بخوانید و همزمان دایره لغات و توانایی Reading خود را افزایش دهید.
کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Christmas in Prague
کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - Christmas in Prague
In a house in Oxford three people are having breakfast - Carol, her husband Jan, and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because Carol wants them all to go there for Christmas.
Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would like to see Prague again before he dies. But he is afraid. He still remembers another Christmas in Prague, many long years ago - a Christmas that changed his life for ever . . .
کتاب داستان Oxford Bookworms 1: Remember Miranda
کتاب داستان آکسفورد سطح یک به همراه CD صوتی - Remember Miranda
Cathy Wilson is driving to Norfolk, to begin her new job with the Harvey family. She is going to look after the two young children, Tim and Susan. Cathy meets the children's father, and their grandmother, and their aunt. She meets Nick, the farmer who lives across the fields. But she doesn't meet Miranda, the children's mother, because Miranda is dead.
She died two years ago, and Cathy cannot learn anything about her. Everybody remembers Miranda, but nobody wants to talk about her . . .